Cassandra's Unveiling will be the first book released as part of the Club Starburst series. I'm plugging right along with it, at a word count of 17,857. I'm estimating that over one-third of this book is complete. While it's part of a series, it will still be a stand-alone novel -- so I want to make sure readers get a detailed story.
I'm having a ton of fun writing it. Who knew that research could be so interesting? When people say that you can find almost anything online, they're not kidding! BDSM contracts, descriptions of techniques and equipment, and everything a person would need to practice the lifestyle are available to investigate. It's simply amazing!
I'm planning a LOT of publicity for this series, starting with a Cover Reveal of all three books the first week of July. The books will also go on pre-order status at that time. The actual release dates are August 19th, September 2nd, and September 16th. Expect a large online party for the release of Book One and a book signing at a local store for the release of Book Three. There will be several giveaways between the cover reveal and that first party, and a Thunderclap campaign to announce the series. So, stay tuned! I hope you're half as excited as I am.
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